Broken Shell Extractor 30-06 30.06 Cartridge Removal Tool 30 06 Caliber Head Sep

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3.00 Ounces
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  • This is a Broken Shell Extractor for 30.06 Caliber Rifles. Simple & Easy to use, will remove broken shells from the chamber. A Must have Tool.

    Detail Information:
    •  Broken Shell Extractor for 30.06 Caliber Rifle Cartridges
    •  Removes Broken Shell Casings Lodged in the Chamber of a Firearm
    •  Threaded Two-piece Design to Adjust Overall Length, Works Perfectly on Bolt Action and Semiautomatic Rifles
    •  Precision Machined from Steel with Matte Black Finish
    •  A Handy Must-have Tool for Shooters and Hunters

    Keep One with Your Shooting Gear, in Your Gunsmith Kit, or Gun Case


    Material: Steel
    Weight: 1.0 oz
    Color: Black

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    30-06 broken shell extractor

    Posted by dave blue on 16th Aug 2023

    took about 7 tries to get it to catch the neck of the shell. threads on shaft too short to get collet to expand, I put a couple small washers on it to get it to work and now it works great have had to use it 3 times on different rifles