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0-10 brix
5.00 Ounces
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This model is most widely used for Raw Maple Sap testing and for Synthetic or Semi-Synthetic Machining Coolants

This is THE unit of choice for Reams Testing (RBTI)!

This unit is TWICE as accurate as 0-32% models!




This model is handy for the testing of low sugar fruits and vegetables, Reamsian Bodily Fluids (per the Reams Biological Theory of Ionization), Maple Sap or for synthetic or semi-synthetic coolants. For machining and grinding coolants, please consult the Technical Data Sheet for appropriate concentration of fluid. This model is designed to give HIGHLY accurate readings with 0.10 Brix divisions (accuracy is +/- 0.10 Brix).  

All RHB models use ambient light, no battery or power source is required.  Models with the “ATC” suffix are equipped with “Automatic Temperature Compensation” for accurate measurements without recalibration after shifts in ambient working temperature (field use).

This model sells for $90 and up at most retailers. Get yours today at Wholesale prices!

This unit comes with a THREE YEAR WARRANTY against manufacturer's defects. If it's not working properly, you get a replacement for free. An eBay first for QUALITY Refractometers!


 Accessories included:

  • Operations manual
  • Mini-screw driver
  • Pipette 






Measurement scale range Brix 0.0 to 10.0%
Accuracy + or - 0.1%
Resolution 0.1%
Ambient temperature for unit operation 10 to 30 degrees C
Sample volume > 0.1ml
Measurement time Instantaneous
Body type Copper alloy with a nickel-chrome coating
Illumination Ambient light; unit requires no additional power source
Dimensions 40 x 40 x 185mm (H x W x D)
Warranty 3 years

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  • 5
    Best Refractometers for Syrup

    Posted by Lynette on 15th Aug 2013

    It's funny that you can use the same refractometers for testing maple syrup as for testing engine coolant, but chemistry can be a strange world sometimes. Anyway, this works very well for authenticating maple syrup. It's easy to use and comes with all the necessary accessories, including an operations manual.

  • 5
    Need help

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