Calcite Dichroscope, GEM tools, Made in USA

MSRP: $99.99
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Dichroscope show whether or not a stone is dichroic (reflects 2 colors). This can be helpful in differentiating stones of the same color from one another. Dichroscopes can be useful with identifying gemstones that are still in the rough and when stones are set and difficult to get to with other instruments. Light entering the dichroscope is broken into two polarized rays that have vibrational directions at right angles to each other. The two images in the dichroscope represent the polarized light and the pleochroic colors signifies doubly refractive stones except if the stone is viewed thru the optic axis. Single color in the dichroscope represents singly refractive stones.

The advantage of the dichroscope is that the two pleochroic colors that may be characteristic of a given direction in a doubly-refractive gem are seen side by side. If no dichroism is identified in the first assessment, the stone can be turned and viewed in other directions. Trichroic gems can also be distinguish and will reveal three colors if the stone is viewed in three directions perpendicular to each other.



  • Type : calcite
  • Diameter : 15mm
  • Length : 60mm
  • Body : Metal
  • Made in one part, same type like GIA's dichroscope

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  • 5
    Who can beat that price for such great gem tools?

    Posted by Unknown on 11th Dec 2012

    This is one of the gem tools that would be very difficult to be without. It really helps to determine the differences between gems that look the same, but are in fact different. It is obvious that it is high quality because if how clear it is and how easy it is to use. Great price too!

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