This is a High carbon spring tempered belt clip made to fit any handgun that has a rail slot/dovetail under the barrel.
UNIVERSAL GUN CLIP FIT - Beretta: 92A1/92FS/M9/PX4 Storm - CZ: 75D - SIG Sauer: P226/P320 Compact/M18/P320 Full Size/M17 - Vampir: RS9 - Tara: TM9/TM9C - Glock: 17/19/20/21/22/23/31/32/34/19X/44/45 - S&W: M&P .45ACP/M&P 380 Shield EZ/M&P 9mm/SD9VE/SP2022 Pro - Springfield: XDS/1911 with rail/XDM40/XD45 - Ruger: Security 9/SR9 - H&K: P30/SFP9/USP/VP9 - Taurus: G2C/G3/G3C/Millennium G2 PT111/PT140/PT145/PT24/7/PT840/TH9/TH9C - Walther: P99/SFP9 and more handgun with rail 3.1 inch and plus
Compatible with 1911 Compact models e.g., Colt, Springfield Armory, Smith & Wesson, Kimber, and other 1911.
All handguns mentioned must has a rail slot under the barrel.
It just takes a few minutes to assemble easily and can be installed on both sides of the gun; you can simply slide the gun holder into the pocket, tightly grasp the pants or belt and pick it up at any time!
Perfect for the concealed carrier who wants a minimalist solution for their Glock not relying on bulky holsters which may require belts
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I was not displeased. worked better than expected.